I then changed the background to be a solid color still keeping the lighting from the HDRI image.

I started to try different HDRI iamges to fit the scene. To do that I added a bitmap node with my HDRI image, went to the render setup tab to converted into an environment map, Chaged the exposure control to Physical Camera Exposure control and adjusted the exposure for HDRI light.

After most materials were added using the basic material editor inside 3Ds max I went ahead and did some render passes with diferrent arnold lights.

I didn't want the walls to look so empty so i decided to add posters from images in google to give it more life.

Once in 3Ds Max, I had to make it into an editable poly and just extrude it to make it 3D.

Once it was a Vector, I am able to imported into 3Ds Max as a plane.

I had an Idea to have the logo on top of the Kiosks that were created so when people used them the logo is very clear. To do that I had to get the Black font from photoshop into Adobe Illustrator and make it a Vector.

I starterd to add Materials into the scene to give it life and color and give it some Arnold render passes.

Now it was time to bring in into 3Ds Max and make a blockout with some alterations of the sketch for scale.

With various reference images it was time to put it into a sketch of ideas and placement.

I was also task to design three products that came from the brand. That is were Hall Pass (a light that is flat that leads into the hallway which automaticly turns on and off when passing by), Surfs Up (A waterproof light for interior pools), and Pathways (an exterior automatic light that leads up to the house of the walkway), was born.

With the Logo being made it was time to start researching different Trade Show exhibits for reference.

I was able to choose the the granients and colors that stood out the most from the rest. We kept the Words simple with colors and no gradients inside of them other than the background. I also added a glow to the outer strokes to get that light effect for the logo.

We now arrived to choosing a color with different variations of gradients with a dark background to make it stand out.

The Branding looked much better with higher resolution. Now I am able to get it ready for color.

Here are the comparisons from the original, photoshop, and my Illustrator look alike to implement into my design.

I decided to take the original image and get it into Adobe Illustrator to make it into a vector image.

The first problem I ran into was that the Image wave i got from google was making the wave look so pixaled and destroyed. Since it was also only an image I wasn't able to change the color of the wave lenght inside "WAVE".

With the help of Professor Eudy we determined the best choice and most appealing Font there was. So now it was time for me to make the decision into which wave length was making it inside the p

I used different black fonts that were appealing to me and started pluggin differen wave lengths into the word "WAVE" for my negative space idea.

Altough none of the sketches that I made were in the final product I liked the idea of negative space inside of the words itself. So the next step was to get different Black Fonts into photoshop and start applaying it into the brand name.

It was time to get into my sketchbook and design the brand logo based on my research.

I was tasked with searching up brand logos to get ideas flowing on the Brands Logo.

I chose to go with the Automatic Light System. The next step was to come up with a name for the brand. I gather about a group of 6 people to help me brainstorm in this process. I shout out the project name and listened to all the words that they were shouting out with the first things coming to their mind. Thats were I decided to focus on three specific words, Dark, Intelligent, and Electric. We did the same thing with those 3 words to narrow down the name Professor Eudy could help me come up with the Brand name for the product. Thus Energy Wave was born. Energy Wave is an Automatic Light System that can help save energy outside and in home when not used. It is waterproof aswell incase of any spills or pool design.

With the help of Proffesor Eudy, Art Institute teacher, He was able to narrow down and give me the choice of the products he found interesting for me to work with.

This thread will follow the steps into creating my own trade show exhibit. I had to come up with a product design for this class that I would be focus through out my journey. First I gathered some exhisting products that I found interesting to me, so I can have some options on which product I would like to have in my exhibit.